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デクスター :: 2-07 :: That Night, A Forest Grew :: ネタバレ

date: 5/20 07:01

sure you'll dazzle me somehow. You're a creative problem-solver now, right? A changed man, or at least "changing."

Dexter: I suppose.

Lila: There's no supposing about it, Dexter. You've taken control of your addiction in a way that few people do. It's been about a week since we've even discussed your recovery.

Dexter: I think you're right.

Lila: And you haven't felt the need to use?

Dexter: Incredibly, no. I feel... you know, like I'm finally in control of things again.

Lila: We call that warm fuzzy feeling the pink cloud. It's when an addict experiences acceptance for the first time.

Dexter: You're saying it won't last?

Lila: I'm saying that you have to work it, that's all. But I know that you will, because I believe that we've found a true substitute for your addiction.

Dexter: What's that?

Lila: Life.


restaurant's manager: You're making us all look bad. I'm the manager of il Bistro Vino. Happy anniversary. On the house.

Lila: Thank you. Did you hear that, darling?

Dexter: I heard it, darling.

restaurant's manager: Enjoy your evening.

Lila: Thank you. Happy anniversary, my love.

Dexter: Aren't we in recovery?

Lila: This? It's just bubbles. We're not gonna shoot it up, are we?

Dexter: You really have a way. You know that?

Lila: A way of what?

Dexter: Of whatever the hell you want.

Lila: Well, here's to 10 more glorious years of whatever the hell I want.

Dexter: 泉の水がなかったらどうするつもりだったの?

Lila: そのときにはあなたがフォローしてくれるでしょ?いまやあなたは問題解決のプロだから。変わったわよね。少なくとも変わりつつある。

Dexter: フム。たぶんそうかな。

Lila: こんな風に克服できる中毒者がどれだけいる?つい

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2-06 :: Dex, Lies, and Videotape :: ネタバレ (前の記事)
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