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The Office :: 3-24, 25 :: The Job :: ネタバレ

date: 8/31 23:55

you, okay? So long, peeeeeee

Michael: So, I am gonna... give her a ride home. Let me know about the job.

David: Actually, Michael, I think we're gonna take it in another direction.

Michael: Good, I'm glad we're on the same page. I have a lot of ideas for new directions.

David: No, we're not giving you the job.

Michael: You know what? That... is actually good... because, um, I don't think I could take... my girlfriend's job. That's not being a good boyfriend. So, I respectfully withdraw my name from consideration. Do you accept my withdrawal?

David: I do.

Michael: Good. Very good. I'm glad we are finally on the same page. Still have my job in Scranton, though.

David: Yes.

Michael: Good. That's all I ever wanted. These two. Either one of them... excellent candidates.

という一連の騒動を見ていたカレンとジム。カレンは「こりゃラッキーだネ」とニコニコし、ジムが大昇進しそうだと喜んだ。彼女はもう面接が済んだので、NYの友達に会うからといって出ていった。このシーンの最後、NY支社の受付嬢が電話を取るシーン。いいセンス!That's why we watch "The Office"! ってかんじです。これがたまんない!ワカルでしょ?

Karen: Wow. That was some serious... hardcore... self destruction.

Jim: Yeah. Kinda feel bad for her though.

Karen: Don't! She's nuts!

Jim: Oh, man. You know what? This might take a while. You really don't have to stay, if you don't want.

Karen: Okay, good! Because, um, a bunch of my friends are meeting downtown for lunch. And, I was gonna meet them, so...

Jim: Okay.

Karen: Just call me when you're done.

Jim: Sure.

Karen: Good luck, Halpert.

Jim: Thank you.

Receptionist: Dunder Mifflin, this is Grace. Sure.


Jan: Oh, God!

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4-01 :: Fun Run :: ネタバレ (次の記事) >
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