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The Office :: 3-24, 25 :: The Job :: ネタバレ

date: 8/31 23:55

treated me poorly. We didn't connect, I was miserable. Now, I'm in the best relationship of my life with the same woman. Love is a mystery.


Michael: Hey! Hunter! Wha's up my brutha? This is Hunter, secretary extraordinaire.

Hunter: Uh, administrative assistant.

Michael: Jan in yet?

Hunter: I think she's comin' in... later.

Michael: Could you give her a message for me, when she gets in?

Hunter: Sure.

Michael: Just say, "I want to squeeze them." It's code. She'll know what it means.

Hunter: Okay.

Michael: Oh, and Hunter? Could you tell her, "Brbrbrbrbr!" also?

一方、いつものオフィスでは、ドワイトはやるきまんまんでマイケルの後釜に座る。みんなはウンザリするが、アンディだけは喜んだ。ドワイトは彼をNO2に選んだのだ。マイケルがいた頃のジムのポジションにアンディが座ったというわけで、さらにドワイトはパムを呼び、かつての自分のポジション、Assistant Regional Managerには引き続き自分が居座ると述べた。つまり彼は自分で自分のアシスタントをするという。そして、パムには「Assistant Regional Managerになったフリをしろ」と命じた。つまりパムはこんどからはSecret Assistant to the Regional Managerなんだという。パムは了解した。


Dwight: You showed great leadership potential at the coal walk. Even if you did follow it with that embarrassing personal confession.

Pam: Thank you.

Dwight: I had to make Andy my number two. It's political, complicated, you wouldn't understand. I want you... to be Assistant Regional Manager.

Pam: Really?

Dwight: Well, in a sense. Although, publicly I am going to retain the Assistant Regional Manager positi

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4-01 :: Fun Run :: ネタバレ (次の記事) >
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