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The Office :: 3-24, 25 :: The Job :: ネタバレ

date: 8/31 23:55

? What... what happened in there?

Michael: I can't tell you.

Jan: Tell me what?


Jan: You son of a bitch!

David: Jan, this isn't the time, we're in an interview.

Jan: You're firing me? Where the hell do you get off?

David: Frankly, it's overdue. Your behavior in the last two years has been completely erratic.

Jan: Erratic?

David: Recently, you don't even show an interest in your work! You smoke constantly in your office. You spend most of the day online shopping. You disappear for hours at a time, sometimes days. Always saying you're visiting your sister in Scottsdale. You go to Scranton far more often than you used to...

Jan: Is it because of these?

Michael: Wuuuoooh, hey, whoa, Jan

Jan: No, I wanna know. I wanna know! Because if it is, then, then, then I will see you in court!

David: It's not.

Jan: No?

David: It's not.

Jan: 'Cause he likes them. Okay? He likes them. And, and that is, that is all I care about.

David: The time has come for you to end your professional relationship with this company. You are clearly unstable.

Michael: Hey! You're unstable!

Jan: Yeah!

Michael: No... We're all unstable.

Jan: Okay, you know what? I'm just not leaving. I'm not leaving. Not leaving.

Michael: David, I did not tell her.


Jan: Bye Hunter.

Hunter: Bye.

Jan: Good luck with your band.

Hunter: Oh, thank...

Jan: Don't let them change

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4-01 :: Fun Run :: ネタバレ (次の記事) >
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