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The Office :: 3-24, 25 :: The Job :: ネタバレ

date: 8/31 23:55

am: Well, I wish you would.


Pam: I haven't heard anything, but I bet Jim got the job. I mean, why wouldn't he? He's totally qualified, and smart, everyone loves him... and, if he never comes back again... that's OK. We're friends. And I'm sure we'll stay friends. We just, we never got the timing right. You know? I shot him down, and then he did the same to me, and... But you know what? It's OK. I'm totally fine. Everything is gonna be totally ...

Jim: Pam. Sorry. Um, are you free for dinner tonight?

Pam: Yes.

Jim: All right. Then... it's a date.

Pam: I'm sorry, what was the question?


David: So, I know we left the other day on a note of uncertainty. But, after some more thought, I'm very pleased to be able to offer you this job. Great! I'm so glad. We're all very excited you're going to be joining us. It'll be nice to have another MBA around here.

Ryan: I'm excited too. Okay. Bye.

Kelly: Who was that?

Ryan: Nobody. You and I are done.

Kelly: What?!


パムのスィートなゴールドメダル、ライアンのjerkなスマイル、Kellyの "What!" のラインが絶妙です。Goldです。文句ナシです。人生です。このおもしろさがわかんないヤツは死ねってかんじ。Totally, Incredibly, Abso-fruitly, AWESOMEです。

title: 3-24, 25 :: The Job

aired date: 2007/05/17

Writer: Michael Schur, Paul Lieberstein

Director: Ken Kwapis

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