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フリンジ :: 1-04 :: The Arrival :: ネタバレ

date: 10/03 20:03

w that, Walter? I didn't know that. I didn't know where the cylinder was buried.

Walter: You know it, son, because I know it.

Peter: No, I didn't know because you didn't tell me.

Walter: I didn't have to.. You must adjust the way you consider communications, ideas. Ideas can be absorbed through osmosis, through proximity... Do you remember the night of the accident when you were young? I was driving..

Peter: Of course, I remember.

Walter: Your mother was at home.

Peter: Of course, I remember. Thanksgiving dinner.

Walter: She was anxious for us to get there, join everyone. When the car went off the road, the ice was so thick that it held the vehicle for what must have been two minutes.

Peter: What does this have to do with what happened today?

Walter: I regained consciousness, I saw your body... contorted horribly, and I reached for you. But the ice broke. And we sank into that dark water.

Peter: And then you swam to shore and saved us both. I know.

Walter: No. I was unable to control my limbs in that icy water. It wouldn't respond. I was incapable of saving you, or myself. We were dead, Peter, you and I. Until someone grabbed me. And we were going up. We were saved, both of us, by a man that I had never met. A man that shouldn't have been there at all. He pulled us to the shore. I remember that he was bald, he had no eyebrows. And as he set us down in the snow, I recalled his stare, standing there in his suit soaking wet, seemingly indifferent to the cold. It was as if he knew my thoughts before I did, as if he

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1-03 :: The Ghost Network :: ネタバレ (前の記事)
1-05 :: Power Hungry :: ネタバレ (次の記事) >
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