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スーパーナチュラル/Supernatural :: 1-13 :: Route 666 :: ネタバレ

trans Supernatural。シーズン1の13話。死霊トラックが人々を轢き殺す話。
view: 10699





■BGM。"Walk Away" by Joe Walsh and The James Gang, "She Brings Me Love" by Bad Company, "Can’t Find my Way Home" by Blind Faith
サムの台詞、"Yeah, kinda like that theatre in Illinois." イリノイのThe Lincoln Theater(リンカーン・シアター)のことと思われる。このシアターは呪われているという噂があり、オカルト現象の報告もある。1916年に建造。かつては往年のスター、Bob Hope(ボブ・ホープ)、Harry Houdini(ハリー・フーディーニ)等も出演した。
Dean: Don't leave the house.
Cassie: Don't go getting all authoritative on me, I hate it.
Dean: Don't leave the house, please?
Sam: (over a cellphone) Where are you?
Dean: I'm in the middle of nowhere with a killer truck on my ass!
Sam: You mean you dated someone? For more than one night?
Dean: Am I speaking a language you're not getting here?
Cassie: We should fight more often.
Dean: Absolutely.
Cassie: (laughs) Actually, we were always pretty good at fighting.
Dean: Mm.
Cassie: (about the sex) This we were good at. It’s all the other stuff….not so much.
Sam: And you think this vanishing truck ran him off the road?
Cassie: (embarrassed) Oh, when you say it aloud like that.
Cassie: The guy I’m with, the guy I’m hoping might be in my future, tells me he professionally pops ghosts.
Dean: That’s not the words I used.
Cassie: And that he has to leave to go work with his father.
Dean: I did.
Sam: You told her. You told her? The secret? Our big family rule number one, we do what we do, and we shut up about it. For a year and a half I do nothing but lie to Jessica, and you go out with this chick in Ohio a couple of times and you tell her everything? (Dean still says nothing) Dean!
Dean: Yeah, looks like it
Cassie: Whenever we get, what's the word, "close," anywhere in the neighborhood of emotional vulnerability, you back off or make some joke or find any way to shut the door.
Dean: (laughs) That's hilarious. See, I'm not the one who took that big final door and slammed it behind me. I'm not the one who took the key and buried it.
Cassie: Are we done with that metaphor?
Sam: I figured maybe that would get rid of it.
Dean: Maybe?! Maybe?!? What if you were wrong?
Sam: Honestly that thought hadn't occured to me.
Dean: (mimicking Sam) "Well that honestly didn't occur to me." I'm gonna kill him.
Sam: By old friend you mean…
Dean: Friend that’s not new.
Sam: Yeah, thanks.
Sam: (talking about Dean and Cassie) What's interesting is that you guys never really look at each other at the same time. You look at her when she's not looking. She checks you out when you look away. It’s just an interesting observation, in a, you know, observationally interesting way.
Sam: I’m guessing you guys were working things out.
Dean: We’ll be working things out when we’re 90.
Sam: Occasionally I miss boring.
Dean: So this killer truck...
Sam: I miss conversations that didn't start with "this killer truck."
Sam: So burning the body had no effect on that thing?
Dean: Sure it did ? now it’s really pissed.

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