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trans Supernatural/スーパーナチュラル。シーズン1の9話。サムの悪夢をきっかけにあの実家に舞い戻るディーンサム
view: 9246

サムの悪夢 - 22年前に母が死んだあの家で女性が助けを求めている。正夢に違いないと言い張るサムに押され、ディーンサムはカンザスのローレンスに逆戻り。すると確かに夢で見た女性が幼い子供2人と住んでいて、ポルターガイスト現象に悩まされていた!女性はこの家に移り住んで間もなく、地元に知り合いもいなかったので、彼女にとって2人はまさに救世主。Saving people, hunting thing!



ディーンサムの母親の亡霊が現れるシーンはウルウルでした。あのお母さん、きれいで優しそうな人です。それになんだか神々しくてマリア様みたいだ。私、このお母さん役の人、どこかで見たことがあると思ってズーと思い出せなかったんですけど、やっと思い出しました!オルセン姉妹Two of a kind(邦題「ふたりはふたご」)に出てたんだ!植物学者という設定で、私はあれを見て、botanistという単語を覚えたんだったのでした。Two of a kindすごくおもしろかったです(余談)。


ディーンが子供たちを助けるとき、お姉ちゃんの方に、22年前にジョンがディーンにいったのとまったく同じ台詞をいいます。"Take your brother outside. Don't look back!" ジーンときちゃったわん。

ちょっとだけジョンが登場します。彼はどうして .... ?!


Dean: I mean first you tell me that you've got The Shining.
Dean: Any of this blowing up your skirt?
Dean: Missouri did her whole Zelda Rubinstein thing...
Missouri: Sam, oh honey. I'm sorry about your girlfriend. And your father...he's missing.
Sam: How'd you know all that?
Missouri: Well, you were just thinking it, just now.
Dean: Where is he? Is he okay?
Missouri: I don't know.
Dean: Don't know? Your supposed to be a psychic, right?
Missouri: Boy, you see me sawing some boney tramp in half! You think I'm a magician. I may be able to read thoughts and sense energies in a room but I can't pull facts out of thin air.
Missouri: Don't worry about a thing, your wife's crazy about you. (client leaves) Whoo, poor bastard. His woman is cold-banging the gardener.
Dean: Why didn't you tell him?
Missouri: People don't come here for the truth, they come for good news.
Dean: Just slow down would ya. I mean first you tell me that you've got the Shining, and then you tell me that I've got to go back home, especially when...
Sam: When what?
Dean: When I swore to myself that I would never go back there.
Dean: (to his Dad's voicemail) Dad, I know I've left messages before. I don't even know if you get 'em. But I'm with Sam and we're in Lawrence and there's something in our old house. I don't know if it's the thing that killed Mom or not...but...(tears up) I don't know what to do. So whatever you're doing, if you could get here...please. I need your help, Dad.
Dean: Listen, Jenny, it's important, Ow!
(Missouri hits him on the back of the head)
Missouri: Give the poor girl a break, can't you see she's upset. (to Jenny) forgive this boy - he means well, he's just not the sharpest tool in the shed.
Missouri: You sensed it was here, didn't you? Even when I couldn't.
Sam: What's happening to me?
Missouri: I know I should have all the answers but...I don't know.
Missouri: Don’t worry ? Dean’s going to clean up this mess. Well what are you waiting for, boy. Grab the mop. (Dean glares suilently) And don’t cuss at me!
MissourI: Is that an EMF?
Dean: Yeah.
MissourI: Amateur.
Missouri: Boy, you put your foot on my coffee table, I'm going to whack you with a spoon.
Dean: I didn't do anything.
Missouri: You were thinking about it.
Sarry: I wasn't dreaming. It came to my bedroom and it was on fire!
Dean: Where's Sam? (frighted)
Sarry: He's inside....something got him!
(the door shuts leaving Sam inside)
Missouri: You two have grown up handsome. (looks at Dean) And you were a goofy looking kid, too.

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