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スーパーナチュラル/Supernatural :: 1-11 :: Scarecrow :: ネタバレ

trans Supernatural。シーズン1の11話。りんご園のスケアクロウ(カカシ)。
view: 10993

インディアナの山道をドライブ中のカップル。途中で車が故障。遠くに見える民家の明かりを目指してうらびれたりんご園を歩いていったらグロテスクなスケアクロウ(カカシ)が2人を見下ろす(キング先生の映画にありがちなかんじのヤツ)。木々の間から見えない魔物の呻き声が聞こえてパニック!逃げるカップル ... 絶叫。




ディーンが凹んでるのがかわいそうでした。独りで魔物退治できるんかなぁ。ディーンはタフガイですがさみしがりでもあるのでこれはたいへん辛いところです。"Sammy ... you come back ..." とつぶやいてはいませんでしたが、私の耳には聞こえたゾ。私的には果樹園の呪いよりも2人のケンカの方が心配!仲直りすればいいのにぃ。


X-Filesに出てたこの人がゲスト出演。マルボロは吸ってませんでした。ウィリアム・B・ディビス(William B. Davis)。


■BGM。"Bad Company" by Bad Company
■トリビア #1
ディーンの台詞、"Let's get out of here before Leatherface comes back." のleatherfaceは映画「テキサス・チェーンソー(Texas Chainsaw Massacre)」のネタ。
■トリビア #2
台詞や登場人物の名前等に映画「オズの魔法使い(The Wizard of Oz)」ネタがいくつかあり。
Sam: You trust shady van guy and not me?
Meg: Definitely.
Dean: Actually, I'm on my way to the local community college. I got an appointment with a professor.. you know, since I don't have my trusty sidekick geek boy to do all the research!
Dean: Sam, you were right, you gotta do your own thing, you gotta live your own life.
Sam: Are you serious?
Dean: You've always know what you want and you go after it. Stand up to Dad, and you always have. I wish I had. Anyway, I admire that about you. I'm proud of you, Sammy.
Sam: I don't even know what to say
Dean: Say you'll take care of yourself.
Sam: I will.
Dean: Dad said it wasn't safe for any of us. But he obviously knows something that we don't. So he says to stay away, we stay away.
Sam: I don't understand the blind faith you have in that man. I mean, it's like you didn't even question him.
Dean: Yes! It's called being a good son.
Bus Station Clerk: Sorry, the Sacramento bus doesn't run again til tomorrow, 5:05 p.m.
Sam: Tomorrow! There's got to be another way!
Bus Station Clerk: Oh, there is. Buy a car.
Dean: Hold me, Sam. That was beautiful.
Sam: You should be kissing my ass - you were dead meat back there.
Dean: Yeah right. I had a plan - I'd have gotten out.
Dean: Scotty, you got a smile that lights up a room. Anyone tell you that? (Scotty stares blankly) Ah, never mind.
Sam: The scarecrow crawled off its cross?
Dean: I'm telling you, Burkitsville, Indiana Fun Town U.S.A.
Emily: I don't understand. They're going to kill us?
Dean: Sacrifice us. Which is, I don't know, classier I guess.
Emily: So what's the plan?
Dean: I'm working on it.
(several hours later)
Emily: You don't have a plan, do you?
Dean: I'm working on it…
Dean: How'd you get here?
Sam: I stole a car.
Dean: That's my boy!
Dean: I hope your apple pie is freakin' worth it!

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