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trans Supernatural。シーズン1の10話。呪われた精神病院の話。
view: 11686




■BGM。"Hey You" by Bachman Turner Overdrive
■トリビア #1
サムがクリークビュー・メディカル・センターの待合室で読んでた雑誌はMen's Health誌で、表紙はショーン・ウィリアム・スコット(Seann William Scott)。彼はコメディの"Sweet Valley High"の出演者で、ジェンセン・アクレスはゲスト出演したことがある。
■トリビア #2
ディーンの偽名、Nigel Tufnelはバンド、Spinal Tapのメンバー名。
■トリビア #3
ディーンの台詞、"All work and no play makes Dr. Ellicott a very dull boy." は映画「シャイニング」のジャック・ニコルソンの台詞。
■トリビア #4
ディーンの台詞、"I love the guy but he writes like freakin' Yoda." スターウォーズのヨーダの独特の英語はYoda-Speak、Yodishとして知られる。.............................................................
■トリビア #5
ディーンの台詞、"Don't ask don't tell." アメリカ軍隊の「(隊員が同性愛者かどうかを)問わない&言わない」政策。第一次世界大戦時にルール化され、現在も続けられている。
■トリビア #6
サムの台詞、"Maybe it's more like Amityville or the Smurl Haunting." どちらも呪われた家として映画化された実在話。Amityville事件の概要。1974年11月13日、NYのAmityvilleにて警察はDeFeo一家6人の惨殺死体を発見した。殺されたのは父母と子供4人。1979年、The Amityville Horror(邦題「悪魔の棲む家」)として映画化された。Smurl Hauntingの概要。Smurl家の6人家族は1973年よりペンシルバニアのデュープレックス(複合住宅)に住んでいたが、彼らはこの家で悪霊に襲われたと主張した。世間はAmityville事件のマネをして金儲けしたいのだろうと考えた。1991年FOXがThe Haunted(邦題「ホーンテッド・ハウス」)としてTVムービー化(かなりチープなB級ホラー)。
■トリビア #7
ディーンの台詞、"Let me know if you see any dead people, Haley Joel." 映画「The Sixth Sense(邦題「シックス・センス」)」で少年を演じたヘイリー・ジョエル・オズメント(Haley Joel Osment)は "I see dead people." の台詞が有名。
■トリビア #8
ディーンの台詞、"Yep, the freaks come out at night." は、"The Freaks Come Out at Night"(New Rhythm & Blues Quartetのヒット曲)?
■トリビア #9
ディーンの台詞、"Hey Sam, who do you think is a hotter psychic? Patricia Arquette, Jennifer Love Hewitt, or you?" Patricia Arquette(パトリシア・アークェット)はMedium(NBC)、Jennifer Love Hewitt(ジェニファー・ラブ・ヒューイット)はGhost Whisperer(CBS)にて、超常現象を扱った人気ドラマに出演中。
■トリビア #10
精神病院を探索中のディーンの台詞 "My man Jack ... " はジャック・ニコルソン
Sam: Dean, when are gonna talk about it?
Dean: Talk about what?
Sam: About the fact that dad's not here.
Dean: Oh..uh, let's see...never.
Dean: Look, you wanna kill me? Here, take this, it'll make it easier for you.
(Sam tries to fire the gun)
Dean: You didn't seriously think i'd give you a loaded gun, did you? (knocks him unconscious) Sorry, Sammy.
Dean: See? That attitude right there. That is why I always got the extra cookie.
Dean: (after finding Ellicot's body) Aw, that's just gross.
Dean: What are ya gonna do, Sam? The gun is filled with rock salt. It's not gonna kill me.
(Sam shoots Dean)
Sam: No, but it'll hurt like hell.
Sam: I told you I looked everywhere. I didn't find a hidden room.
Dean: Well, that's why they call it hidden.
Dean: (after being shot at heads to the basement to look for sam) Basement, huh? Alright. Watch yourselves. And watch out for me.
Kat: Gavin. Gavin.
Dean: Hey, I gotta question for ya. You seen a lot of horror movies, yeah?
Kat: Yeah, I guess so.
Dean: Do me a favor, next time you see one, pay attention. When someone says a place is haunted, don't go in.
Dean: Sam put the gun down
Sam:(when he is crazy) Is that an order?
Dean: No just a friendly request.
Kat: Hey Gavin?
Gavin: Yeah?
Kat: If we make it out of here alive, we are so breaking up.
Dean: The only thing that makes me more nervous than a pissed-off spirit…is the pissed-off spirit of a psycho-killer.
Dean: It's a text message - it's co-ordinates.
Sam: You think Dad was texting us?
Dean: He's given us co-ordinates before.
Sam: The man can barely work a toaster, Dean.
Sam: Ghosts can appear at certain hours of the day.
Dean: Yep, the freaks come out at night.
Dean: Ghosts are attracted to that whole ESP thing you got goin' on.
Sam: I told you, it's not ESP, I just have strange vibes sometimes.
Dean: Let me know if you see any dead people, Haley Joel.
Dean: Hey Sam, who do you think is a hotter psychic? Patricia Arquette, Jennifer Love Hewitt, or you?
Katherine: So how do you guys know about all this ghost stuff?
Sam: It's kind of our job.
Katherine: Why would anyone want a job like that?
Sam: I had a crappy guidance counselor.
Dean: You kind of shoved me a little hard in there don't ya think, buddy boy.
Gavin: She kissed me.
Sam: Erm, but she didn't hurt you physically?
Gavin: Dude, she kissed me! I'm scarred for life!
Sam: What Dad "wants" doesn't matter!
Dean: You see that? That attitude there? That's why I always got the extra cookie.
(Sam has woken up after Dean has burned Ellcott's bones)
Dean: You're not gonna try to kill me, are you?
Sam: No.
Dean: Good. 'Cause that would be awkward.
Sam: You shut your mouth!
(talking to Dean with a gun pointed at him)

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