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スーパーナチュラル/Supernatural :: 1-12 :: Faith :: ネタバレ

trans Supernatural。シーズン1の12話。ディーンがミッション中に高圧電流ビリビリ!
view: 11239



ロズウェルでおなじみのこの人がゲスト出演。Julie Benzジュリー・ベンツ)。悲しい運命の女性を切々と演じていました。彼女の演技に、ジェンセン・アクレスのウルウル演技の相乗効果であぁ悲しい。運命は非情です。エーン。


Dean: It must be rough, to believe in something so much and have it disappoint you like that.
Layla: You wanna hear something weird? I'm okay, really. I guess if you're going to have faith you can't just have it when the miracles happen, you have to have it when they don't.
Dean: So what now?
Layla: God works in mysterious ways. Goodbye Dean.
Dean: Hey, um, you know, I'm not much of the praying type. But I'm gonna pray for you.
Layla: Well, there's a miracle right there.
Sam: You know this whole "I laugh in the face of death" thing is crap, I can see right through it.
Dean: Yeah, whatever. Have you even slept? You look worse than me.
Dean: Look, Sammy, what can I say, man, its a dangerous gig. I drew the short straw. That's it, end of story.
Sam: Don't talk like that, all right? We we still have options.
Dean: What options? Get a burial or cremation?
Sam: What do you got those hooked up to?
Dean: A hundred thousand volts.
Sam: Damn.
Dean: Yeah, I want this rawhead extra freakin' crispy.
Dean: God save us from half the people who think they're doing God's work.
Dean: I'm not gonna die in a hospital where the nurses aren't even hot.
Dean: I'm gonna die, Sam... and, you can't stop it.
Sam: Watch me!
Dean: That fabric softener teddy bear...ooh....I wanna hunt that little b**** down...
Dean: You gotta take care of that car, or I swear I'll haunt your ass.
Sam: That's not funny.
Dean: Come's a little funny.
Dean: You ever actually watch daytime TV? It's terrible.

にほんブログ村 テレビブログ 海外ドラマへ

  • Title: 1-12 :: Faith
  • First Aired: 2006-01-17




Guest Star:

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