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スーパーナチュラル :: 3-16 :: No Rest for the Wicked :: ネタバレ

date: 5/18 10:09

us the knife?

Ruby: No.

Sam: But you just said...

Ruby: You want to charge in with one little pigsticker? It's a waste of a true-blue window, like hitting Hitler with that exploding briefcase. Forget it.

Sam: Ok, then how?

Ruby: I know you wanna save your brother, Sam.

Sam: No, you don't. You told Dean you couldn't. You have been lying to me all along! So, just give me your damn knife!

Ruby: You're not the one that I've been lying to.

Sam: Oh, so you can save him?

Ruby: No. But you can.

Sam: What?

Ruby: Sam, you've got some god-given talent. Well, not god given, but you get the gist.

Sam: All that psychic crap? That's gone ever since yellow eyes died.

Ruby: Not gone. Dormant. And not just visions, either. Why do you think Lilith is so scared of you?

Sam: Right, she's scared of me.

Ruby: If you wanted, you could wipe her off the map without moving a muscle.

Sam: I don't believe you.

Ruby: It's the truth.

Sam: And you decided to tell me this just now?

Ruby: Um...demon. "manipulative" is kind of in the job description. The fact is, is that you never would have considered it, not until you were...

Sam: Desperate enough?

Ruby: You don't like being different. You hate the way Dean Looks at you sometimes, like you're some sort of sideshow freak. But suck it up because we got a lot of ground to cover, and we got to do it fast. But we can do it. Look, call me a bitch and hate me if you want. But I have never lied to you, Sam. Not ever. And I'm telling you.. you can save your brother. And I can show you how.

Dean: So,

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3-15 :: Time Is On My Side :: ネタバレ (前の記事)
4-01 :: Lazarus Rising :: ネタバレ (次の記事) >
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