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トゥルー・ブラッド :: 1-03 :: Mine :: ネタバレ

date: 10/06 03:20

eartbeat. I have no need to breathe. There are no electrical impulses in my body. What animates you no longer animates me.

Sookie: What does animate you, then? Blood? How do you digest it if nothing works?

Bill: Magic.

Sookie: Oh, come on, Bill. I may look naive, but I'm not. And you need to remember that. You think that it's not magic that keeps you alive?

Bill: Just 'cause you understand the mechanics of how something works doesn't make it any less of a miracle, which is just another word for magic. We're all kept alive by magic, Sookie. My magic's just a little different from yours, that's all.

Sookie: I think we need to stop seeing each other.

Bill: Why?

Sookie: Because you don't breathe. You don't have any electrical whatever it is. Your friends would like to rip my throat out. And because vampires killed that preacher from the Fellowship of the Sun church and his wife and baby. You look me in the eye and tell me they didn't do it.

Bill: Humans have killed millions upon millions in senseless wars. I do not hold you responsible for that.

Sookie: Bill, Night before last, I had to bury my bloody clothes because I didn't want my grandmother to find out I was almost killed. And tonight, I was almost killed again. Why on earth would I continue seeing you?

Bill: Because you will never find the human man you can be yourself with. Sookie.

Sookie: Do not touch me. Just go, please.


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1-02 :: The First Taste :: ネタバレ (前の記事)
1-04 :: Escape From Dragon House :: ネタバレ (次の記事) >
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