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トゥルー・ブラッド :: 1-01 :: Strange Love :: ネタバレ

date: 9/23 17:18

Thank you.

Sookie: I can't hear you.

Vampire: Thank you.

Sookie: No, no, no. I can hear you, but I can't... Oh, my stars.

Vampire: Aren't you afraid to be out here alone with a hungry vampire?

Sookie: No.

Vampire: Vampires often turn on those who trust them, you know. We don't have human values like you.

Sookie: A lot of humans turn on those who trust them too. I'm not a total fool.

Vampire: But you have other very juicy arteries. There's one in the groin that's a particular favorite of mine.

Sookie: Hey. You just shut your nasty mouth, mister. You might be a vampire, but when you talk to me, you will talk to me like the lady that I am.

Vampire: You wanna drink the blood they collected?

Sookie: No.

Vampire: I understand it makes humans feel more healthy. Improves their sex life.

Sookie: I'm as healthy as a horse. And I have no sex life to speak of, so... You can just keep it.

Vampire: You could always sell it.

Sookie: I wouldn't touch it.

Vampire: What are you?

Sookie: I'm... I'm Sookie Stackhouse and I'm a waitress. What's your name?

Vampire: Bill.

Sookie: Bill?! I thought it might be Antoine or Basil or... or, heh... or... like Langford, maybe. Vampire Bill. Oh, my... So... Silver, huh? I thought that only affected werewolves. I... I... I'm not implying that werewolves exist. I mean, that's just what you always see in the movies.

Vampire: I'd appreciate it if you didn't share this information with anyone. We don't like for our weaknesses to be made public knowledge.

Sookie: See ya, Bill. I gotta get back to w

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1-02 :: The First Taste :: ネタバレ (次の記事) >
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