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The Office :: 3-21 :: Product Recall :: ネタバレ

date: 8/31 03:21

apologized, so you can take that apology or not. I think he had Tourette's or something!

※Tourette, ツレット症候群(男性に多い運動神経障害の一種)


Dwight: I grew up on a farm. I have seen animals having sex in every position imaginable. Goat on chicken. Chicken on goat. Couple of chickens doin' a goat, couple of pigs watching. Whoever drew this got it exactly right.

クリードはたまたまその日会社を休んでいたDebbie Brownに罪を着せ、みんなから「彼女もかわいそうだ」と募金を募り、それをちゃっかりポッケに入れた。悪です。

Creed: I feel terrible about Debbie Brown. She got fired because of Dwight. So I thought I'd pass around a goodbye card, maybe everyone could put in a couple of bucks to help her through these difficult times. Why do bad things always happen to the good people? It's tragic. Just tragic.

title: 3-21 :: Product Recall

aired date: 2007/04/26

Writer: Justin Spitzer, Brent Forrester

Director: Randall Einhorn

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3-20 :: Safety Training :: ネタバレ (前の記事)
3-22 :: Women's Appreciation :: ネタバレ (次の記事) >
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