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The Office :: 3-21 :: Product Recall :: ネタバレ

date: 8/31 03:21

der how many phone calls you're missing while you're teaching us to answer calls.

Kelly: I know, right? Probably a lot.

Angela: Can you just tell us what we need to do so we can go?

Kelly: OK, Angela. I love your enthusiasm. All you need to know how to do is pick up the phone and say "Customer Service, this is Kelly!" Except don't say "Kelly," say your own name. Or if you're bored, you can just make up a name. Like one time, I said I was Bridget Jones, and I talked like this for the whole conversation!

Kevin: Oh! Can I be Australian, mate?

Kelly: Absolutely!

Kevin: Hello, mate!

Kelly: I like ice cream! I need a boyfriend.

Kevin: I like ice cream too, mate. Alligators and dingo babies.


Jim: Oh, Andy. You know what? We don't have a lot of time, so we should probably...

Andy: Jamie!

Jim: Andy, Ohh...

Andy: What are you doing here?

Jamie: Andy?

Andy: Are you a student here?

Jamie: Oh... yeah...

Andy: You never told me you were in high-school!

Jamie: This is weird. I... gotta go to Spanish.

Andy: OH MY GOD!

Jim: Oh my God.

Andy: I had no idea.

Jim: Well... that's not gonna hold up in court.

Andy: Huh... We didn't do anything illegal. Except knock over a mailbox with her friends.


OK, first, I just wanna say that you are doing sooo good. Look, you have so many good qualities, that the one that you might wanna work on is, apologizing?


Michael: And so, with the eyes of the nation upon us, I would lik

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3-20 :: Safety Training :: ネタバレ (前の記事)
3-22 :: Women's Appreciation :: ネタバレ (次の記事) >
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