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スーパーナチュラル :: 1-04 :: Phantom Traveler :: ネタバレ

date: 10/05 21:56

n: No, not really.

(Sam pulls a long knife out from under Dean's pillow)

Dean: That's not fear. That's precaution.

Sam: Alright, whatever. I'm too tired to argue.


Dean: When's the last time you got a good night sleep?

Sam: I don't know. A little while I guess. It's not a big deal.

Dean: Yeah, it is!

Sam: Look I appreciate your concern...

Dean: Oh, I'm not concerned about you. It's your job to keep my ass alive! So I need you sharp.


Dean: Did you get any sleep last night?

Sam: Yeah, I got a couple of hours.

Dean: Liar. See, I was up at 3 and you were watching George Foreman infomercials.

Sam: What can I say? Riveting TV!


Sam: If she's possessed, she'll flinch at the name of God.

Dean: Uh, nice.

(Dean gets up and starts to walk away)

Sam : Hey?

Dean: What?

Sam: Say it In Latin.

Dean: I know!

Sam : Hey?

Dean: What?!

Sam: In Latin it's Cristo.

Dean: Dude, I know! I'm not idiot!


Sam: Are you humming to Metallica?

Dean: Calms me down.


Dean: I look like one of the Blues Brothers.

Sam: No you don't . You look more like a seventh grader at his first dance.


(On the plane, Dean's EMF Radar begins to beep frantically. Dean stares wide-eyed at the co-pi

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1-03 :: Dead In The Water :: ネタバレ (前の記事)
1-05 :: Bloody Mary :: ネタバレ (次の記事) >
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