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スーパーナチュラル :: 1-04 :: Phantom Traveler :: ネタバレ

date: 10/05 21:56


Dean: Yeah, it was a poltergeist right?

Co-Worker: Hey, Poltergeist, I love that movie!

Jerry: Yeah, no one's talking to you. Keep walkin'.


Demon in co-pilot's body: (speaking to Sam) I know what happened to your girlfriend! She must have died screaming! Even now, she burns!


Dean: This is going to sound nuts, but we just don't have time for "The Truth Is Out There" speech right now...


Dean: Sam, this plane is going to crash, okay? So quit treating me like I'm freakin' four!

Sam: (very calmly) You need to calm down.

Dean: Well, I'm sorry I can't!

Sam: (still calm) Yes, you can.

Dean: Dude, stow the touchy-feely, self-help-yoga crap. It's not helping!


(Dean is being fidgety on the plane)

Sam: Just try to relax.

Dean: (through clenched teeth) Just try to shut up!


Sam: Are you ok?

Dean: No, not really.

Sam: Why? What's wrong?

Dean: I kind of have this problem with...

(moves his hand in a plane motion)

Sam: Flying?

Dean: It's never really been an issue until now.

Sam: You're joking right?

Dean: Do I look like I'm joking?! Why do you think I drive everywhere, Sam?!


Sam: Never? You're never afraid?


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1-03 :: Dead In The Water :: ネタバレ (前の記事)
1-05 :: Bloody Mary :: ネタバレ (次の記事) >
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