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カイルXY :: 2-20 :: Primary Colors :: ネタバレ

date: 2/27 21:36

ults are back. I'm officially in remission!

Josh: Woooooooooooohooooo!

Hillary: Okay, Mr. Trager. I think we're friends now. Can I be honest?

Stephen: Sure, but could Mr. Callahan wait?

Hillary: It's not about him. it's about Mark. I'm not so sure Lori should get involved with an older man.

Stephen: An older? what? uh.. did I miss something?

Hillary: Apparently everything. Once upon a time, Lori and Declan were leclan. They were joined at the hip. Then they weren't. Personally... I think they're meant to be.

Stephen: Wait... so how does my T.A. enter the picture?

Hillary: Oh, come on, like you haven't noticed.

Stephen: No... I haven't.

Hillary: Well, snarky Mark's a hottie in dork's clothing, But I don't think Lori's seeing it just yet. She has no idea their aggro-flirting is thinly disguised sexual tension.

Stephen: Sexual what.. exactly are you talking about?

Hillary: Sexual nothing! What I meant was, could you pass the sherry vinegar?

Nicole: You're too special for me to be able to handle all that.

Kyle: Nicole... I think you're special enough to handle it all.

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2-19 :: First Cut Is the Deepest :: ネタバレ (前の記事)
2-21 :: Grey Matters :: ネタバレ (次の記事) >
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