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カイルXY :: 2-20 :: Primary Colors :: ネタバレ

date: 2/27 21:36

m glad you're concerned.

Josh: Concerned? I'm flipping out. I told everyone to come over so kyle can help us study. What good is he going to be now? He's like the idiot king of stupid town.

Nicole: Kyle has a lot on his plate right now, okay? Maybe you can try and study without his help.

Josh: Or I can find someone as smart as Kyle to fill in.

Nicole: Yeah, good luck with that.

Lori: Oh, look. it's my bar fight hero. Not you, sucker punch. You.

Mark: Hey, how's the prom shapin' up? You found any bargain-basement d.j.s yet?

Lori: Funny. I'm looking at one.

Mark: You ought to get your eyes checked, then.

Lori: I'm not the one with glasses, four-eyes.

Mark: Cute. That insult was so high school.

Lori: My dad's in the kitchen. You should go there. Now.

Mark: All right.

Hillary: Your ceviche looks perfect, Mr. Trager. Is that fresh cilantro?

Stephen: Yes, it is.

Hillary: Yummy. What else have you made?

Stephen: Well, you name it and I've probably wrecked it. Already once or twice today. Started out trying to make a bouillabaisse.. And Kyle helped me pare it down from there.

Hillary: Wise choice! it took me three of four tries before I even got into the french provenal cuisine ballpark.

Stephen: Uh, Hillary, what was it? You were expecting to study today?

Hillary: Trig. I'd give you the lowdown On Mr. Callahan and his massive shoulders. But we're not really friends like that yet, are we?

Stephen: Uh, no, not yet. But did you know that when I was an undergrad I was a double major? And one of them was applied mathematic

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2-19 :: First Cut Is the Deepest :: ネタバレ (前の記事)
2-21 :: Grey Matters :: ネタバレ (次の記事) >
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