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スーパーナチュラル :: 1-16 :: Shadow :: ネタバレ

date: 3/01 20:25


Dean: I'm just saying these outfits cost hard-earned money.

Sam: Whose?

Dean: Ours. You think credit card fraud is easy?


Dean: I talked to the bartender.

Sam: Did you get anything...besides her number?

Dean: Dude, I'm a professional. I'm offended that you would think that (smiles and chuckles as he displays a napkin with her phone number)...All righty!

Sam: You mind doing a little thinking with your upstairs brain, Dean?


Dean: So to recap, the only successful intel we've scored so far is the bartender's number.


Sam: I think there's something weird going on here.

Dean: Yeah, she wasn't even into me!


Sam: Go to Hell!

Meg: Baby, I'm already there.


Dean: Hey, Sam…?

Sam: Hmmm?

Dean: Next time you want to get laid…find a girl that's not so buckets of crazy.


Dean: Why don't you go up and deliver a private strip-o-gram?

Sam: Bite me.

Dean: Oh no, Bite her. Just don't leave any teeth marks... (Sam hangs up) Sam?


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1-15 :: The Benders :: ネタバレ (前の記事)
1-17 :: Hell House :: ネタバレ (次の記事) >
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