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ジェネレーション・キル/Generation Kill :: 1-01 :: Get Some :: ネタバレ

trans2003年イラク戦争の米軍によるバグダッド侵攻。最北の危険ゾーンで闘う海兵隊の作戦行動を描いたノンフィクション原作のドラマ by HBO。
view: 18944

2003年。イラク戦争。海兵隊 (US Marine) の精鋭歩兵部隊、1st Reconnaissance BattalionがクウェートのCamp Mathildaから北上、バグダッド侵攻するまでを描いた全7話のミニシリーズ。従軍取材した民間ジャーナリスト、エヴァン・ライトの同名ノンフィクションが原作。クリエイターは『The Wire』のデヴィッド・サイモン&エド・バーンズ。



They got you in the fucking ghetto.
Reporter, ever seen a grown man naked?
You feel me? Fuckin' spics and a goddamn jig.
Yo, that ain't cool, man, fuckin' race-hating motherfucker.
Spics, a coon, and a fucking wigger. See, wiggers be the worst... Race traitors, miscegenatin' with the muds.
Hey, you don't have to listen to this little trailer-trash-whiskey-tango fuck.
Ain't all your crackhead brothers nappy-headed and shit? James is the only white boyin the family. Three stepdads, and they're all black.
Take this down, Dawg. It makes my heart heavy to see the white race sink as low as James's mother has. At least if she was Mexican she'd be ashamed of herself. But being a white bitch, she still thinks she's better than the brothers she sells that ass to in the parking lot of the titty bar she works at.
Oh, Screwby, Dawg.
Yo, fuck you, man. She's a bookkeeper.
Yo, T! You hear that? The beaners are cracking on your people too. Ain't you gonna say something?
I'm just not into that racial thing, man.
All right. Let's go, Garza. Let's talk about what we're gonna do when we get out of the corps. We're gonna join us a border patrol and shoot us some wetbacks.
Shoot wetbacks!
Welcome aboard.

US Marineていうのは精鋭エリートなのでさぞや特別待遇されてんのかなと思ったら、意外にも「ナイトビジョンのバッテリーが足らない!」とか「ハンビーを修理するための○○の補給がこない!」という不満タラタラの台詞があちこちに出てきた。それを横で聞いてた兵士がこんなことを述べた。「US Marineはアメリカのピットブル。軍の上層部は彼らに望むものを与えない。なぜならいつもハラペコにしとくほうが得策だから。怒りを溜めさせておいて、使うときにはウガーと敵を襲わせるのだ」なんていう台詞があった。ま、なんちゅうか、こんなこといっていいのかわかんないが、ケダモノ集団的なムードがある。「おれらはひとをブッ殺すために生まれてきたのであーーる!わっはっはー」というひとも中にはいる。こわいですね。


Wright: How come we're not there yet?
Ray: Maybe because a certain severely retarded company commander by the name of Encino man who, in his infinite retardation, duct-taped his humvee windows. Thought he was being all tactical and shit, until Bravo missed the turn at the checkpoint 'cause retard couldn't see out his fuckin' truck. There's layers of retardation that most people don't even know about. You should quote me on that. Look at this shit. How come we can't ever invade a cool country like chicks in bikinis, you know? How come countries like that don't ever need Marines? I'll tell you why. It's lack of pussy that fucks countries up. Lack of pussy is the root fucking cause of all global instability. If more hajis were getting quality pussy, there'd be no reason for us to come over here and fuck them up like this. 'cause a nut-busted haji is a happy haji.
Brad: Ray, How much ripped fuel have you ingested?
Ray: I'm on it like a motherfucker, Brad. I'm moto, dude!
Brad: No more of that shit. When you do ripped fuel, you can't shut up.
Wright: Interesting theory though.
Ray: Yeah, you should quote me on it. You know what? You should definitely quote me on it. This whole fucking thing, it comes down to pussy. Look. If you took the republican guard and comped their asses in vegas for a weekend, no fucking war.
Wright: So the war's not about oil or W.M.Ds?
Ray: No. In the opinion of this Marine it's about pussy.
Wright: And it's not about Saddam?
Ray: No, Saddam's just part of the problem. If Saddam invested more in the pussy infrastructure of iraq than he did on his fucking gayass army, than this country would be no more fucked up than, say, Mexico.
Brad: Ray! Please shut up.


『Generation Kill』は今年7月にオンエア開始。全7話オンエア終了済みです。私は3話まで見ましたが最後まで見ようと思っています。


SOP: Safe Operating Procedure
RTO: Regional Transport Office
H&S Company: Headquarters and Service Company
CO: Commanding Officer
CG: Commanding General
AO: Attack Objective, Air Observer
NJP: Non-Judicial Punishment
BRC: Basic Reconnaissance Course
FNG: Freaking New Guy
CEOI: Communications-Electronics Operating Instructions
RTO: Radio Transmission Operator
PX: Post Exchange (US Army base retail store)
LOD: Line Of Duty
MEF: Minimum Essential Force, Marine Expeditionary Force
WO: Work Order

戦争もののドラマは『Over There』以来ですが、なかなかおもしろいですよ。

にほんブログ村 テレビブログ 海外ドラマへ

  • Title: 1-01 :: Get Some
  • First Aired: 2008-07-13



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