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スーパーナチュラル :: 1-07 :: Hook Man :: ネタバレ

date: 10/26 20:41


(at a frat party)

Dean: Man, you've been holding out on me, this college thing is awesome!

Sam: This wasn't really my experience.

Dean: Let me guess - libraries, studying, straight A's.

(Sam nods)

Dean: What a geek.


Dean: I told him you were a dumbass pledge and that we were hazing you.

Sam: What about the shotgun?

Dean: I said that you were hunting ghosts and spirits were repelled by rock salt. You know, typical Hell Week prank.

Sam: And he believed you?

Dean: Well you look like a dumbass pledge.


Dean: So you believe her?

Sam: I do.

Dean: Yeah, I think she's hot, too.


Dean: That's it! Next time, I get to watch the cute girl's house.


Dean: Your, uh, half-caff double vanilla latte's getting cold over here, Francis.

Sam: Bite me.


Dean: So this is how you spent four years of your life.

Sam: Welcome to higher education.


Lori: So your brother seems very... spiritual.

Sam: He's full of surprises.


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1-06 :: Skin :: ネタバレ (前の記事)
1-08 :: Bugs :: ネタバレ (次の記事) >
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