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カイルXY :: 2-18 :: Between the Rack and a Hard Place :: ネタバレ

date: 2/18 16:44

osh: Are you sure you're up to this? I thought you'd be too chemo'ed out to wait in line for tickets.

Andy: Please. My last chemo was, like two days ago. Puking is.. like.. so yesterday... And last night.

Josh: I can't believe I'm paying 120 bucks for concert tickets.

Andy: Am I not worth it?

Josh: You are but the band?

Andy: Fine. We won't go. But then these are off-limit's.

Josh: You're giving me an ultimatum?

Andy: Sometimes it's the only thing guys will respond to.

Josh: So either I pay for overpriced concert tickets...

Andy: Or the only rack you'll be seeing is the one that makes you wear that stupid apron.

Josh: Fine. Yielding to the power of the boob.

Andy: And you just lived to feel me up another day.

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2-17 :: Grounded :: ネタバレ (前の記事)
2-19 :: First Cut Is the Deepest :: ネタバレ (次の記事) >
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