『Everybody Hates Chris』のTOP
1 > 2

Everybody Hates Chris :: 1-15 :: Everybody Hates the Lottery :: ネタバレ

date: 2/16 23:00


Chris (narrating): My mother loved chocolate turtles more than anything else in the world.Whenever she ate one, it was like all her life's problems just went away. It's a good thing she chose those turtles instead of guns.


Chris (narrating): My father never knew there's anything wrong with the kids, unless we're unconscious or in the hospital.


1 > 2

1-14 :: Everybody Hates Valentine's Day :: ネタバレ (前の記事)
1-16 :: Everybody Hates the Gout :: ネタバレ (次の記事) >
『Everybody Hates Chris』のTOP
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