TOP » SF » カイルXY/Kyle XY

カイルXY/Kyle XY :: 2-20 :: Primary Colors :: ネタバレ

transKyle XY。シーズン2の20話。ネタバレ。
view: 13968



どんどん多忙になってきたらば、カイルの頭がへんになってきた。簡単な単語を思いだせない。聴覚がしょっちゅうへんになる。テレキネシス能力を抑制できない。アマンダのママの前でアマンダのことを "giraffe" と呼んで空気を凍らせた。ちょっと目を閉じたら1時間過ぎていた。彼は忙しすぎて壊れちゃったみたいだ。かなりヤバそうな兆候である。



そこにアンディちゃんが入場。「わたしはガンが治った」とすばらしいNEWSを発表した。おぉおおおお。すべてのひとたちが喜んで祝福した。このときのアンディちゃんの台詞は彼女らしくて泣けましたー。「メールしよかと思ったけど、これはまったく決定的にアナログなモメントである。だからわたしはアナログ方式でお知らせします。real-time hugsとgushy feelingsを共有しましょう」なんていってました。詳しくは下のquotesをどぞ。



てわけで、アダム・ベイランが呼ばれた。トラガー家のみなさんが彼に会うのは初めてである。アダムとカイルがそっくり顔なのでニコルたちは驚いた。 アダムにすべて話し、意見を求めた。彼はカイルの部屋で "She could be you." のレコードを見つけて驚いた。「これを何度も聴いた」といわれたアダムはあーそうかーと納得した。

アダムは「これはただの曲ではない」とレコードの由来を説明した。かつてアダムとサラは音の中に自分たちだけに聞こえるサブリミナル信号を入れて遊んだそうである。特定周波数の音は普通には聞こえないが、そこにはメッセージが隠されているというんで、カイルが意識を集中して耳を澄ませたらピーっていう音が確かに聞こえた。へええ。その音はファックス信号みたいなもんで、ビジュアル化されるべき音源なのだという。カイルはかつて自分のPCに "listen" という文字が送られたことを思いだした。カイルが寝ているあいだに描きなぐったドット絵にどんな意味があるんだろうか。だれがそれを送ったのだろうか。

カイルが描いた膨大なドット絵をコンピュータで解析してみた。そしたらLatnokの指輪の絵が出てきて、そのまんなかに「I'M ALIVE.(わたしは生きている)」というメッセージが出てきて驚いた。いちばん驚いたのはアダムである。指輪の中には赤い石が見えたが、彼によれば「赤い石の指輪はサラのもの」だそうであり、でも彼女は死んだはずなのだ。だれかがサラのフリをしてるのか。あるいはサラはどこかに生きてるのか。アダムは硬直顔で「あ、ありえん」といった。

I'M ALIVEのメッセージは謎だが、カイルが壊れた理由はわかった。このレコードを何度も聴いたから聴覚が鋭敏になりすぎたことに加え、ヒーリング能力が発動して多大な負荷がかかったという要因が重なったせいであろう。これからは "She could be you" を聴かないようにして、らくちんに生きていれば鎮静化されるはず(たぶん)。




アンディちゃんの奇跡の治癒はずいぶんアッサリ明かされちゃいました。私はフィナーレの盛り上げネタだと思っていたよ。こうなると少し不安だ。"remission" という単語は通常ガンが『治った』という意味で使われるけど、"partially remission" のケースもある。今回はアンディちゃんの喜びようがものすごいので、恐らく "completely remission" なんだと思うけれど、再発する可能性もある。シーズン2はあと3話だけれど、まさか最後にきて悲しいことがおこったらいやだなーこわいなー。アンディちゃんはいちばん好きなキャラなので、そういうオチはなしにしてくださいよやめてくださいよと不安になりました。

私的にナイスなquotesを下に挙げときます。英語の勉強にどぞ。どのシーンがよかったかな。アンディのBIG NEWSがいちばんとして、次によかったのがヒラリーちゃんとパパのシーンかな。ヒラリーちゃんはほんとおもしろいですね。彼女の台詞は日本語に訳せないわ!

Amanda: So... I managed to convince my mom that it wouldn't hurt to have you tutor me for placement exams.
Kyle: That's great. I'd be happy to help you study.
Amanda: Oh, I don't want to study. I just want an acceptable excuse to spend time with you today.
Kyle: Today.
Amanda: A whole afternoon of unchaperoned quality time. Oh, You're not free. I should have asked you first.
Kyle: No, it's fine. I'd love to spend unchaperoned quality time with you.
Amanda: Good. And I'm think I'm sensing a thaw where my mom's concerned. If she's letting us study together, a date can't be too far behind.
Kyle: So I should ask her if we can go out?
Amanda: No. You should ask her to think about considering the idea Whether or not we can go out. She's a glacier, not an ice cube.
Kyle: So if I told her that letting us study is symbolic of her trust in me, And that I'd like to continue to build that trust, maybe in time I can earn the honor of having a date with you.
Amanda: Yeah, something exactly like that. See you later.

Josh: Mom, huge problem.
Nicole: Okay, Josh, could you give me five minutes?
Josh: Kyle draws weird stuff all the time. This is an emergency.
Nicole: What's wrong?
Josh: How about every answer on the study sheet?
Nicole: Josh, this is basic high school science. Come on, you've been doing so well.
Josh: That's the thing. I didn't make that. Kyle did.
Nicole: When did this happen?
Josh: This morning. Plus, Lori and I both noticed he was being clumsy. And he kept having brain farts. He's on the fritz. you gotta fix him.
Nicole: I'm glad you're concerned.
Josh: Concerned? I'm flipping out. I told everyone to come over so kyle can help us study. What good is he going to be now? He's like the idiot king of stupid town.
Nicole: Kyle has a lot on his plate right now, okay? Maybe you can try and study without his help.
Josh: Or I can find someone as smart as Kyle to fill in.
Nicole: Yeah, good luck with that.

Lori: Oh, look. it's my bar fight hero. Not you, sucker punch. You.
Mark: Hey, how's the prom shapin' up? You found any bargain-basement d.j.s yet?
Lori: Funny. I'm looking at one.
Mark: You ought to get your eyes checked, then.
Lori: I'm not the one with glasses, four-eyes.
Mark: Cute. That insult was so high school.
Lori: My dad's in the kitchen. You should go there. Now.
Mark: All right.

Hillary: Your ceviche looks perfect, Mr. Trager. Is that fresh cilantro?
Stephen: Yes, it is.
Hillary: Yummy. What else have you made?
Stephen: Well, you name it and I've probably wrecked it. Already once or twice today. Started out trying to make a bouillabaisse.. And Kyle helped me pare it down from there.
Hillary: Wise choice! it took me three of four tries before I even got into the french provenal cuisine ballpark.
Stephen: Uh, Hillary, what was it? You were expecting to study today?
Hillary: Trig. I'd give you the lowdown On Mr. Callahan and his massive shoulders. But we're not really friends like that yet, are we?
Stephen: Uh, no, not yet. But did you know that when I was an undergrad I was a double major? And one of them was applied mathematics?
Hillary: For reals? Cause I'm sensing you need a salad course that'll stand up to your steaks without overpowering your lobster. How about a tomato, orange, and saved fennel salad with frizzled leeks?
Stephen: You frizzle, and I'll tutor.

Kyle: I need you to try and read me.
Jessi: I read that answer sheet you made for Josh. That's about all I need to know. When did you get so ordinary?
Kyle: I'm serious, Jessi. You knew something was wrong with me this morning. Maybe you can get in my head and figure out what's happening.
Jessi: All right. I'll try. You have to try, too.
Kyle: I am trying.
Jessi: It's like the signal's weak or something. What did you do?
Kyle: What do you mean?
Jessi: You did something. you pushed. That's not fair.
Kyle: I.. I didn't do anything.
Jessi: You made me promise not to push myself.. and then you go out and do something new? Tell me what it is.
Kyle: This isn't a game, Jessi. I don't know what's happening to me. I could really be..
Andy: You're the best. Did you know that?
Kyle: I guess I do now. what's this for?
Andy: The other day, when I was nervous about my tests to see if the cancer was gone. I don't really know you, but.. Anyway, you were just there. it's like... You knew I needed a hug. I don't really know you, either!
Amanda: Oh. it's okay. hugs are good.
Josh: What's all the lovin for?
Andy: I was gonna text. too impersonal. Then I was gonna call, but again, digital. This is a strictly analog moment that should be shared with real-time hugs and gushy feelings. My test results are back. I'm officially in remission!
Josh: Woooooooooooohooooo!

Hillary: Okay, Mr. Trager. I think we're friends now. Can I be honest?
Stephen: Sure, but could Mr. Callahan wait?
Hillary: It's not about him. it's about Mark. I'm not so sure Lori should get involved with an older man.
Stephen: An older? what? uh.. did I miss something?
Hillary: Apparently everything. Once upon a time, Lori and Declan were leclan. They were joined at the hip. Then they weren't. Personally... I think they're meant to be.
Stephen: Wait... so how does my T.A. enter the picture?
Hillary: Oh, come on, like you haven't noticed.
Stephen: No... I haven't.
Hillary: Well, snarky Mark's a hottie in dork's clothing, But I don't think Lori's seeing it just yet. She has no idea their aggro-flirting is thinly disguised sexual tension.
Stephen: Sexual what.. exactly are you talking about?
Hillary: Sexual nothing! What I meant was, could you pass the sherry vinegar?

Nicole: You're too special for me to be able to handle all that.
Kyle: Nicole... I think you're special enough to handle it all.

にほんブログ村 テレビブログ 海外ドラマへ

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