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Everybody Hates Chris :: 1-15 :: Everybody Hates the Lottery :: ネタバレ

trans Everybody Hates Chris。 シーズン1の15話。クリスはアーケードゲームにハマっている。
view: 4064



クリスがアーケードゲームにうつつを抜かす一方、母ロシェルはタトル(チョコレートのお菓子)に、父ジュリアスは宝クジに大ハマり。電気代が払えず家計はピンチだというのに ... ヤバ。ま、ドラマだからいいっか。


Tonya: Momma, can we have our candy back?
Rochelle: No. I ate it. Don't need you all getting any more cavities which you all got. No cavities in this house.
(adding sugar to her drink)Chris (narrating): But at this rate, there'll be plenty of diabetes.
Chris (narrating): My father was crazy about Tonya. She was the only one in the house, who would dare to take sleep and money from him at the same time.
Chris: Wait, your dad is giving you 5 dollars, just to come to the school?
Greg: I bet I won't miss a day at school this year. So far so good.
Chris (narrating): My mother told me, I better not miss a day at school, or else she'll take 5 dollars off my ass.
Chris (narrating): Getting an award for attendance is kinda like getting an award for breathing.
Chris (narrating): A dream book takes any possible dream you can have and transforms it into a lucky number.
Chris (narrating): My mother loved chocolate turtles more than anything else in the world.Whenever she ate one, it was like all her life's problems just went away. It's a good thing she chose those turtles instead of guns.
Chris (narrating): My father never knew there's anything wrong with the kids, unless we're unconscious or in the hospital.

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