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Everybody Hates Chris :: 1-13 :: Everybody Hates Picture Day :: ネタバレ

trans Everybody Hates Chris。 シーズン1の13話。スクールピクチャ(学級写真)のシーズン到来。
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Chris (narrating): These women are worst than the pigeons in Central Park.
Erwin: Welcome to Erwin's.
Rochelle: Thank you. We're looking for an outfit.
Erwin: With the right outfit, you can beat any charge.
Mrs. Mallow: You better find something to wear, you can't take a picture in your underwear.
Chris (narrating): I guess nobody ever told Prince that.
Chris (narrating): If people thought we're homeless, I could've got some leather socks.
Julius: When I was a kid, we didn't need special clothes. Just having clothes was special.
Chris (after finding a shirt from the Lost and Found): If I'd known kids were losing clothes this cool, I'd never have gone shopping in the first place!

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  • Title: 1-13 :: Everybody Hates Picture Day
  • First Aired: 2006-02-02




Recurring Role:

Guest Star:

Thanks to:,

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