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スーパーナチュラル :: エリック・クリプキが「シーズン5でシリーズ完結」と明言 + 次エピソードのネタバレありのインタビュー

date: 5/08 14:43




Q: Do you still want to do only five seasons of the show and why?

Yes, I do, because when you're creating these types of stories, you want to go out on top―when you're still creatively effective―and you tend to inevitably get a little floppy in the storytelling when you go too long. So you want to pull the plug on the patient before you get a little too deteriorated. Also, this kind of a story, that has an epic sweep and has heroes and demons and the end of the world, you want the saga to come to an end definitely, and you want to watch a final episode that doesn't peter out like a limp balloon. You want it to end so when you cut to black, you can truly say, "That is the end of that story." So, I'm really campaigning hard to do that.

E! Online :: Watch with Kristin :: Supernatural Boss Eric Kripke Spills on Dean's Soul and Plans for Season Four


ちゅうか、クリプキに限らず一般的な話、プロデューサーがこういう発言を公にすることによって、ネットワーク側とのゴニョゴニョトークを有利に導く戦略なんかも、と思ったりもしますが、これは私が抱く勝手な妄想ですw。Never mi

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シーズン3のフィナーレの一部ネタバレ (前の記事)
ジャレッド・パダレッキが『13日の金曜日』に出るらしい (次の記事) >
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