『Over There』のTOP

Over There :: テーマ曲 lyric

date: 2/13 12:30

このテーマ曲いいです。hmm.. やっぱり打ち切りなんだよなぁ ... Over There ...


ナニそれって方はこちらをどうぞ → 前回のOver There紹介する投稿


Acoustic Guitar

[Verse] 0:18

The day is comin

The drums are drummin

If you know one say a prayer.

Theres mothers cryin

And fathers sighin, uh hum

War is in the air.

[Drums/Bass/Electric Guitar] 0:47

The trains are fillin up with boys

They've left behind their favorite toys


They're goin over there

Over there

Where someone has to die


Over there, over there

Where ours is not to reason why.

Over there, over there

Where someone has to die.

[Guitar Solo] 1:52

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